Divers Alert Network offers Trip Insurance to Protect Holiday Travel Plans

Holiday travel is about to hit its stride; before you join the hustle and bustle, remember to cover your trip with DAN Trip Insurance. Divers Alert Network (DAN) offers this additional benefit to scuba diving travelers in addition to non-divers.

Plans are offered on a per-trip basis.  Premiums are based solely on the cost of the trip and are not affected by the traveler’s age.  Benefits were expanded earlier this year to include increased coverage for Trip Interruption from 100% to 150% of the insured Tour Cost, the inclusion of a $500 Missed Connection reimbursement, the extension of the purchase window for the pre-existing conditions exclusion from seven days to fifteen days from initial trip payment, and coverage for airline penalties assessed to redeposit airline miles in the event of a cancelled trip.

Travel insurance policies are intended to compliment the benefits offered through DAN Membership such as TravelAssist and specific elements of the DAN Preferred Dive Accident Insurance Plan.

For specific details, click here: DAN TRIP INSURANCE

“DAN Members know about the resources available to them to assist in the event of a dive emergency or injury,” said Peter Winkler, director of Marketing, Communications and Member Relations.  “DAN Trip Insurance provides an added layer of coverage for your holiday travels, regardless of whether you plan to dive or not.  When you purchase travel insurance, you’re giving yourself some recourse in recovering non-refundable expenses lost through no fault of your own.”

DAN Trip Insurance is offered through a partnership between DAN Services and Travel Guard.  For a complete overview of DAN Trip Insurance and its coverage, or to obtain a quote for upcoming travel, please visit www.diversalertnetwork.org/trip or call (800) 446-2671.

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