Divers Alert Network Encourages SCUBA Divers to Become Emergency Specialists

DAN DesDURHAM, NC –  SCUBA divers who have achieved a higher level of dive training and emergency preparedness have long sought Diver Alert Network’s Diving Emergency Specialist (DES) recognition.  Beginning Aug. 1, 2009, there’s another reason to complete the DES requirements.

Become a Diving Emergency Specialist between Aug. 1 and Nov. 30, 2009, and receive a Prepared Diver pouch, compliments of DAN®.  The pouch is big enough to hold a DAN resuscitation mask and all DAN first aid provider slates, and it features a zipper closure to ensure everything stays put.  Contents include trauma shears, latex-free gloves and a DAN Training carabineer to keep your first aid slates together.  

To become a DES diver, you must be:
•    a Rescue Diver or higher
•    current in CPR and First Aid
•    current in DAN’s Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries in addition to three other scuba-specific DAN first aid courses.

“Diving Emergency Specialist really is the ultimate dive preparedness recognition,” said Eric Douglas, director of DAN Training. “To hold that recognition in your hand is to tell your fellow divers that you have gone the extra mile to ensure you’re comfortable rendering assistance in an emergency, and you’re ready to provide care when it’s needed. DES divers really are some of the best prepared and most knowledgeable divers in the area of dive emergency preparation.”

Divers who achieve the Diving Emergency Specialist recognition during the promotion will automatically receive their Prepared Diver pouch upon approval of the completed DES Provider Application.

To find a DAN Instructor near you, visit your local dive center or contact DAN at (919) 684-2948 or oxygen@diversalertnetwork.org.

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