They were first with online open water; first with online specialties; and now the SDI™ Group are the first scuba training agency to present its Divemaster academics in an online format. Group President Brian Carney announced today the release of a completely rewritten and redesigned SDI™ TDI™ Divemaster Student Manual, Instructor Guide, and support materials for leadership education in tandem with the online eLearning option.
“This is one of the most ambitious new product launches in the company’s history,” Carney said at the product launch on Thursday. “I am particularly honored to offer our members brand-new divemaster leadership materials in both traditional and electronic online format. This is one of the innovations our Members asked from us and once again, we are happy to be able to meet their needs.”
Carney went on to explain that this is the first time the company has released a full slate of program materials in one massive release. Calling the launch a “full spectrum” Carney said the new SDI™, TDI™ Divemaster materials includes:
· 420-page Student Manual in the group’s new, design format,
· 292 page Instructor Guide,
· Student Knowledge Quest,
· PowerPoint Presentation, and
· 31 chapter Online Divemaster Course, which is the biggest and most comprehensive eLearning program of any currently available in the scuba diving industry.
“Of all the Diver education we currently offer through our SDI™ facility network, the Divemaster program is perhaps the one that is the most suited to online format,” Carney noted. “Leadership level academics are the closest thing the scuba industry offers to post-secondary education. It is a tough program which demands real study and hard work from its participants. Our online system is the perfect format for home study, and gives the selected training facility and instructor real-time information about the student’s progress.”
Sean Harrison, VP Training and Member Services for SDI™ explained one of the benefits of the new media version of the company’s DM program. “Often, the instructor who is best suited to develop dive leaders is the one person who has the least time available. The perfect solution is blended learning through SDI’s online training. The proven online system is able to move the divemaster candidate through their academics freeing up valuable instructor time to work hands-on with them to refine their leadership qualities as well as diving, risk-management, and dive business skills.”
Harrison also commented that in light of the length of this new course, and the complexity of the materials covered, online students will also receive a printed Manual and Knowledge Quest to support the electronic version. The student kit, available from SDI, TDI customer order desk or through the agencies network of representatives, will also include a Hat, Briefcase, SDI sticker and embroidered Patch, water-proof USN Tables, Record Folder, and set of Rescue Slates,
For more details, contact your local Scuba Diving International Retailer.