(DiverWire) The Wreck Racing League has announced the dates for the 2012 Formula H2O Racing Circuit. Kicking off the season, the WRL is returning to Key West, FL where the action all began. The 3rd Annual Vandenberg Underwater Grand Prix will then take place May 18th-20th, 2012 in celebration of the anniversary of the sinking of the Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg. Following Key West, the WRL will visit Pompano Beach, FL June 15th-17th for the 3rd Annual Gold Coast Underwater Grand Prix, and round out the season in the world renowned Weeki Wachee State Park for the Weeki Wachee Warrior Challenge, a race to honor wounded veterans, September 21st-23rd, 2012.
The Wreck Racing League began in 2010 with the Vandenberg Underwater Grand Prix commemorating the one year anniversary of the scuttling of the Vandenberg as an Artificial Reef. Following rave reviews and international appeal, the league expanded throughout Florida attracting racers from all over the world. Last season, the WRL’s sport Formula H2O, scuba divers racing using diver propulsion vehicles (DPVs), made its international debut with divers racing in Santa Marinella, Italy, just outside of Rome.
Throughout its success, the Wreck Racing League has spread its purpose educating divers and water lovers on the importance of Artificial Reefs and their beneficial impact on the ecosystems and economies.
Divers get ready to race! The 2012 season is sure to be the most exciting yet. The Wreck Racing League is open to divers and spectators of all ages. Formula H2O racers must 18 years of age. Dive in and join the most exhilarating sport underwater!
2012 Formula H2O Racing Circuit:
May 18th – 20th Vandenberg Underwater Grand Prix, Key West
June 15th – 17th Gold Coast Underwater Grand Prix, Pompano Beach
September 21st – 23rd Weeki Wachee Warrior Challenge, Weeki Wachee State Park
All interested DPV manufacturers or distributors, as well as anyone interested in competing or participating in this event, can contact the Wreck Racing League at info@wreckracingleague.com.