Diveheart’s Jim Elliott releases first book, SHARING AIR

(DiverWire) Sharing Air is a new book co-authored by Diveheart founder and president Jim Elliott aka JR Elliott .  50% of the proceeds of each book sold will go to support Diveheart’s work with children, adults and veterans with disabilities.  Diveheart helps facilitate adaptive scuba diving programs around the world.

Elliott, who does not draw a salary as Diveheart president and is receiving no compensation from the book, is excited about his literary debut with  Sharing Air his first work of fiction.

Elliott is co-authoring a non-fiction book later this year that will be released at the Fall DEMA (Dive Equipment & Marketing Association) show in Las Vegas. Proceeds from this upcoming book will also benefit the Diveheart mission.

About the book:

Sharing Air is an inspiring journey that will touch your heart and perhaps move you to learn more about the incredible world of inner-space beneath the sea. This zero gravity environment provides the backdrop for romance, intrigue and adventure. Join our crew as we embark. Witness transformational change in those who dare to love, those who face their fears, and those who have the courage to explore their humanity.

Link to review and/or buy the book now: http://diveheart.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=375:sharing-air&catid=25:web-content

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