Divers find preserved sunken stern-wheeler

The following is from the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner by Dermot Cole:

A perfectly preserved stern-wheeler has been discovered on the bottom of Lake Laberge, about 30 miles north of Whitehorse.

The 108-foot A.J. Goddard sank on Oct. 22, 1901 in about 40 feet of water. Two crewmen survived and three drowned.

Doug Davidge of the Yukon Transportation Museum in Whitehorse found the gold rush time capsule during a sonar survey. He has been looking for it on and off since the 1980s.

The Instiute of Nautical Archaeology in Texas announced the find Monday.

“In 1901, a trapper camped on the shores of the lake saw Goddard’s tiny pilothouse, torn off the sinking steamboat, with two survivors, half frozen, clinging to it.  He saved them. Three other crew members drowned, their bodies washing ashore to be buried by the Northwest Mounted Police.  Diving on A.J. Goddard, it is as if these events happened yesterday,” the institute said in a press release.

To read the complete story, click here: Divers Find Sunken Stern-Wheeler

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