(DiverWire) Szilvia Gogh is a Renaissance Women. She has so many talents, she achieved so many things that most people do not do in a lifetime. She travels the world making a living from her passions: scuba diving and creating one of a kind jewelry inspired by her experiences along the way.
Gogh was the youngest female in the world to become a PADI Course Director back in 2000. She has been teaching scuba diving for beginners to dive instructors for over a decade in Malta, UK, Thailand and now in California.
She works front of the camera as an adventure show host as well as a Stunt Women in blockbuster Hollywood movies and TV series. She provides Water Safety and trains talents to breath underwater when works behind the scenes. One of her favorite jewelry was inspired by her constant reminder to students: BREATHE. She has created several variations of this theme over the years.
Szilvia takes great pride in designing and creating unique, one of a kind jewelry about the ocean and creatures living in it. She captured the essence of the sea, its graceful and shy animals and its visitors: scuba divers and its residents: mermaids. She often thinks that she is a mermaid herself as the currents blow her hair while diving.
She started making jewelry at her late teens out of frustration due to the lack of silver accessories for the adventure hungry travelers.
Szilvia gets materials she uses to create the unique jewelry during her travels. She pairs silver with semi-precious stones, like garnet, turquoise and carnelian with reclaimed wood, sea shells and beach glass.
Szilvia’s mission in life is to find ordinary people and crack open their tiny view of the world. She does that as a scuba instructor as well as trough her artfully created jewelry. By showing people what the underwater world has to offer she changes lives and gets the average Joan to visit the middle east, Philippines and other places they might not otherwise visit. Szilvia encourages everyone to challenge themselves with her “Do One Thing Every Day that Scares You” necklaces – go someplace where no one speaks English but everyone understands the universal language of diving and travel.
Browse her pieces at www.GoghJewelryDesign.com and Use DIVERWIRE Coupon at Checkout to receive 20% OFF from now until Mothers Day.