First Season Ultimate Diver Challenge DVD now available

(DiverWire) The Ultimate Diver Challenge, the weekly scuba diving program that aired nationally on the Versus cable network, has just announced that the First Season DVD is now available.

All 13 half-hour episodes are gathered on a single high-quality DVD that captures all of the exciting moments of the challenge, which took place in Cozumel, Mexico. Participants compete for the title of “The Ultimate Diver” by participating in various competitions including buoyancy control, navigation, search and rescue skills. The winner is the scuba diver who scores the highest in each of these areas.

According to Pam Bertrand, Executive Producer of the Ultimate Diver Challenge, “People thought we were crazy when I first proposed the Challenge, but it’s really gained incredible momentum. Now we have several hundred people wanting to audition to compete.”

Bertrand said the each DVD, which has a suggested retail price of $40, will include a special prize. These could include trips, equipment training, gift certificates and more. She anticipates that prizes will be valued starting at $25.

Funds raised through sale of the Season One DVD will be used to help fund the 2011 Ultimate Diver Challenge event. Episodes of Ultimate Diver Challenge continue to air on the Versus Network every Friday morning at 7:30 am (EST).


For more details visit the website at Ultimate Diver Challenge. To order your copy, call 816-765-7282 or go to the Ultimate Diver Challenge website.

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