Accordinng to OW-U president Patrick Hammer, “The last 40 years have generated some incredible memories and this book will allow divers to share some of those experiences and will also provide newer divers with a glimpse into the show’s past. We’re excited to offer this piece of diving history.”
Hammer said that the book was written by Cris Kohl, who is a well-known author and has written several diving-related books and is a good friend of Our World-Underwater. Proceeds from sales of the book will go to the non-profit Tim Early Foundation. Copies of the book are available for $10.00. The book will be unveiled for the first time at the Our World-Underwater Show February 19-21. Copies can also be ordered directly for the Show website.
The oldest continuing running dive show in the US, Our World-Underwater 2010 is shaping up to be one of the best events ever. For more details, visit the website at www.OurWorldUnderwater.com