Interactive DEMO Program Encourages Advanced Training and Continuing Education
Pro Dive International, one of the most well-known and respected scuba training and leadership operations in the world, has recently launched a series of new and innovative DEMO (Divers Exploring More Opportunities) programs. Designed to encourage divers to actively explore specialties beyond basic open water certification, the Pro Dive programs allow divers to experience underwater photography/videography, dive propulsion vehicles (dpvs), drysuits, full face masks with communications and night diving.
According to Genevieve Sparg, Pro Dive’s Chief Operating Officer, there are limited opportunities to experiment with the more esoteric diving experience that usually requires specialized training. “Our DEMO programs provide a simple, fun way for divers to explore these equipment options without big upfront equipment expenses. We believe there is absolutely no reason divers should have to spend thousands of dollars just to find out if they are going to fall in love with underwater photography, dpvs or any of diving’s most exciting specialties. We are taking “try before you buy” and turning in to “try while you dive.” There is absolutely no obligation to buy or even rent our DEMO gear.”
Pro Dive is working with a number of well-known companies in the dive industry including DUI (drysuits), Gates Underwater housings (u/w video), Sea & Sea (u/w photography), Ocean Technology Systems (OTS – full face masks with underwater communications), Princeton Tec (dive lights) and HOLLIS (dive propulsion vehicles).
The DEMO program allows customers to “test dive” selected products from any of these companies in order to get a first-hand feel for how the equipment functions. This is not a poolside show and tell… It is a bona fide product trial in the open ocean for qualified divers to use the DEMO equipment, with appropriate supervision and instruction (when required). If a diver likes the product and wants more than a DEMO, discounted rental rates are available and, if they purchase the product, the rental fees are applied to the purchase price. Divers are encouraged to DEMO multiple products in order to find which specialties and which gear works best for them.
“Scuba diving is an equipment-intensive sport,” according to Ms. Sparg. “We understand that there is an investment that divers need to make to further enhance their underwater experiences. The DEMO program helps our customers feel even better about their equipment purchases because they actually have hands on experience with the products before making a financial commitment – a benefit that isn’t always available through dive stores and certainly is never available over the internet.”
For more information on Pro Dive International, visit the website at or call 954-Pro-Dive.