STICK IT Promotion perfect for traveling scuba divers

( In tough times, creativity always wins. Bill Cole of Sea Experience Dive Center in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida has come up with a promotion combining promotion, customer satisfaction and fun. His recently announced STICK IT program is a sure way for scuba divers to learn more about Sea Experience and the underwater excitement the store provides.

Cole explains that the promotion is a simple one. “Divers and non-divers alike can take a Sea Experience logo sticker and ‘stick it’ somewhere – local, out-of-state or even out of the country – it doesn’t matter. Take a picture and send it to us. The most creative placements will win prizes including a new Atomic Aquatics regulator, TUSA BCD and much more.”

Cole has outlined the entire program online at STICK IT to Sea Experience. He cautions participants to be courteous and respectful of where they “stick” the decals. To participate, any diver can join one of the Sea Experiences two-tank daily boat dives to pick up a Sea Experience sticker.

For more information about the program, visit the Sea Experience website at


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