The Underwater Project


Are you among the many scuba divers that enjoy taking photos during your diving adventures?  Do you feel a sense of pride when showing friends and loved ones the images or video you’ve captured?  If so, maybe you should join the Australasia-wide perpetual photo and video shootout for your chance at close to $100,000 in prizes. is working hard to create the world’s first underwater perpetual shootout competition.  After 7 years, the Underwater Festival team as opted for some change.  The 8th Underwater Festival is evolving into the Underwater Project in 2014.  With the tagline ‘The Australasia Challenge’ it incorporates an Australasia-wide simultaneous photo and video shootout competition like no other with over U$100,000 in

More than a competition, The Underwater Project is a continuous event that lets divers share the beauty of the Australasia Oceans and show the world what wonders we stand to lose if we continue to destroy our Oceans.  The project supports and creates local events across the region throughout the entire year, allowing any dive center, resort, live aboard or dive club to become an Underwater Project Fringe Event host.

Each member will get their own portfolio site with map, gallery, awards and achievements, and may sell their entries with 50% of the profits coming back to them, or mark their images as available for use by non-profits for conservation purposes.  Rather than a charge to enter an individual image or to upload videos, instead there will be a $50 annual fee for a Standard Underwater Project Membership.  This allows users to upload 5 photos or 2 videos a month for the duration of the competition.  Also available is a Premium membership for $100 a year which allows twice the amount of uploads of the standard membership.Hidden-world-by Pamela Sutton

Participants can dive in over 20 countries across both hemispheres, and all skill levels are welcome and encouraged to enter.  Each month members can submit their photos and videos taken the previous month to be judged by a massive panel of experienced judges who will award various prizes, amounting to at least $100,000.

Whether you are a seasoned underwater photographer or a brand new scuba diver, the Underwater Project is the perfect chance to show off your work.  At the very least you can polish your skills and enjoy scuba diving and maybe submit a winning entry.  The sooner you join, at, the sooner you may join the ranks of winners!

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