Underwater scooter event to honor Wes Skiles

On October 1-3, 2010 scuba divers will compete in underwater races around the Benwood artificial reef in Key Largo, FL. The Wes Skiles
Memorial Shootout will be the 3rd stop on the 2010 Formula H2O racing circuit and will honor diving innovator and underwater photographer Wes Skiles. Brought to you by the Wreck Racing League, Formula H2O racing is the new action packed, underwater sport featuring divers racing
around the superstructure of artificial reefs using Diver Propulsion Vehicles (DPV), or scooters.

This three day event kicks off at the Marina Del Mar hotel in Key Largo, FL on Friday October 1st, with the Racer’s meeting at 7:00 PM. Join the Wreck Racing League to learn about the race including rules and regulations, race course, and photo contest. The Marina Del Mar will serve as the Wreck Racing League’s headquarters for the Wes Skiles Memorial Shootout and is offering special discounts for race participants until September 28th, 2010.

On Saturday, October 2nd at 9:00 AM racers and the general public will have the opportunity to attend a scooter and DPV demo event at the Marina Del Mar. Following the demo, boats will depart from Atlantis Dive Center in Key Largo for race practice and scooter test drives.

On Sunday, October 3rd, Formula H2O racers will compete in the Wes Skiles Memorial Shootout at the Benwood wreck site. Awards ceremony to follow at Atlantis Dive Center. Race participation and test drives are open to anyone over the age of 18. Spectators of all ages are
welcome at all events to cheer on the racers!

To honor Wes Skiles and his passion for underwater photography the Wreck Racing League and Formula H2O presents a photo and video contest to challenge and inspire underwater photographers.

All interested DPV manufacturers or distributors, as well as anyone interested in competing or participating in this event, should contact Natalie Oriente at (239) 464-5932 or natalie@wreckracingleague.com.


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