Wreck Racing League returns to action in Florida July 29

(DiverWire) – Formula H2O is racing back to Pompano Beach, FL. Officials from the league announced over the weekend the date of the next racing evening. The Wreck Racing League is returning to Florida’s east coast July 29th- 31st for the 2nd Annual Gold Coast Underwater Grand Prix. Divers grab your diver propulsion vehicles and race for the gold! Last year, the Gold Coast Grand Prix boasted the highest racer attendance of the year. Don’t miss your chance to take part in the most exhilarating, action-packed sport underwater. Space is limited so register today! Visit www.wreckracingleague.com for more information.

The action begins Friday, July 29th, 2011 at the Wyndham Sea Gardens in Pompano at 6:30PM with the Racer Meeting and kickoff party. Join the Wreck Racing League for race overview, rules and regulations, music and dinner buffet. All racers and spectators are welcome. Discounted accommodations are available at the Ocean Point Beach Resort in Pompano Beach.

On Saturday, July 30th at 9:00AM, the Wreck Racing League will be offering race participants a PADI DPV certification class in the Ocean Point Beach Resort pool. DPV certification is offered to all participants at an exclusive WRL discounted rate of $30. The DPV certification class is brought to you by WRL sponsor Indian Valley Scuba ( www.indianvalleyscuba.com ). Following certification, an afternoon dive and race practice will be held at the Copenhagen race site.

The Gold Coast Underwater Grand Prix will begin at 8:00AM on Sunday, July 31st, 2011. This is the highest anticipated race of the 2011 Formula H2O racing circuit and is gearing up to be the most exciting Wreck Racing League event yet. Don’t miss this chance to take part in the most exciting, adrenaline charged underwater sport. Spectators, both scuba divers and snorkelers, of all ages are invited to participate. Award ceremony will take place immediately following the race.

Anyone interested in competing or participating in this event please contact Jeff at South Florida Diving Headquarters at (954) 783-2299 or jeff@southfloridadiving.com. Space is Limited! Visit www.wreckracingleague.com for more information.

The Wreck Racing League would like to thank The Gold Coast Underwater Grand Prix host South Florida Diving Headquarters and sponsors Indian Valley Scuba , Dive Xtras, Pegasus Thruster and Torpedo. All interested DPV manufacturers or distributors interested in participating should contact the Wreck Racing League at info@wreckracingleague.com.

Looking to race but don’t have a DPV? Email info@wreckracingeague.com for rental information.

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