On Saturday, April 10, 2010, Bonaire experienced some cloudy skies, but that did not keep an enthusiastic group of divers and snorkelers from cleaning up the shallows of Bonaire’s Cha-Cha-Cha Beach. All worked together as a team to remove trash from this area.
Jake Richter of NetTech addressed the group and explained what trash should be recovered and what should be left behind, as well as how to keep from damaging any marine animals. Shortly afterward, the divers entered the water, descended, and began to fill their bags with trash. When filled, the bags were brought to the surface to those working as shore support. There, Dive Friends crew and volunteers checked once again to be sure no marine creatures had been inadvertently included, counted, and tallied the trash for statistics, and then disposed of it responsibly.
It had been a year since this stretch of shallows was last cleaned, and the group was able to process an impressive amount of trash that had accumulated during this time: 25 beverage cans, bottles, 9 cup lids, 2 pieces of clothing, 15 pieces of monofilament fishing line, 5 eating utensils, 8 pieces of plastic and rope, 2 automotive tires, as well as miscellaneous building materials, boat parts, and chemical light sticks.
After the dive, all participants and their families were welcomed back for a Pot Luck BBQ—Dive Friends Bonaire and NetTech, the sponsors of the Bonaire cleanups, provided drinks and main courses, while participants supplied side dishes. All participants were rewarded with certificates of participation.
Images from this cleanup are available online at the Bonaire Insider Photo Gallery at http://www.bonaireinsider.com/index.php/gallery_bonaire/category/C72/
The next quarterly underwater cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, July 10, 2010. Additional information about the cleanups is available at: http://www.dive-friends-bonaire.com/clean_up_dives.html. All are welcome to join in.
Dive Friends Bonaire is one of Bonaire’s premier diving facilities with convenient locations in Kralendijk, at Hamlet Bonaire, Dive Inn, and at Port Bonaire and has two retail stores in Kralendijk. For additional information, visit http://www.dive-friends-bonaire.com.
NetTech is Bonaire’s largest Internet marketing company, providing the popular web sites InfoBonaire (http://www.infobonaire.com) The Bonaire Insider (http://www.bonaireinsider.com), Bonaire Surveys (http://www.bonairesurveys.com), and Paradise Rebates (http://www.paradiserebates.com). For additional information, visit http://www.nettech.an.