Coral Reef Conservancy Launched on Grand Cayman

CCMI EventThe Central Caribbean Marine Institute (CCMI) has formally announced the launch of the “Coral Reef Conservancy” at an event attended by His Royal Highness Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, and the Honorable Leader of Government Business (Premier Designate), Mr. McKeeva Bush, at Macaulay Honors College in Manhattan.

A global initiative, slated to begin this summer, The Coral Reef Conservancy is focused on preserving and rejuvenating the world’s coral reefs through education, research and action.

Dr. Carrie Manfrino, President of the Central Caribbean Marine Institute, sounded a clarion on behalf of this precious global resource.  

“Sixty-percent of coral reefs on earth are dead or in decline.” said Manfrino.  “Yet the many environmental, economic and health benefits these reefs provide are essential to mankind’s survival. Coral reefs are one of the most biologically diverse environments on Earth, second only to rainforests. If we act now, we can recover and conserve the world’s reefs, and continue to pursue invaluable scientific research while preserving economies, food supplies, and our vast, vital world oceans.”

By raising public consciousness through a message of hope, the CRC will increase interest in reef recovery, and eventually help implement proven solutions for reef recovery around the globe.

“I am delighted to continue my support for Dr. Manfrino’s efforts and I am very appreciative of CCMI’s accomplishments over the past five years,” said Minister Bush.  “We are proud to have Cayman once again serve as a global leader in marine preservation and conservation.  We have always understood the value of preserving our coral reefs, considering how our lives, culture, heritage and now tourism are inextricably linked to the sea.  My government will continue to support a dynamic balance of sustainable development.”

Over the next three years, the CRC will develop a network of “demonstration sites” with global partners to engage stakeholders in actions that will regenerate and build resiliency into coral reefs.  The CRC will work to raise public awareness, while at the same time coordinating workshops from which international scientists, reef managers and stakeholders can communicate their efforts globally.

About Central Caribbean Marine Institute

Founded in 1998, the Central Caribbean Marine Institute (CCMI) is guided by its mission to conduct and facilitate research, education, conservation and outreach that will sustain marine diversity for future generations. From its inception, CCMI has proven a valuable asset in the effort to understand changing coral reef and tropical marine environments. CCMI programs provide a solid foundation for education and awareness for students and researchers both in the Caribbean and around the world.

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