There’s nothing like Shark Week 2009 to bring the world’s attention to the growing attacks on the shark populations. The Discovery Channel’s programming provides viewers with an up close look at these majestic creatures, but often those images don’t last. International marine artist Rogest, has captured a variety of impressive shark images and through his art brings shark imagery to the general public in a very unique way.
As part of Shark Week 2009 Rogest (who is headquartered in Vancouver, Canada), is working with a number of shark research and conservation organizations. His goal? To help spread the world about the world’s declining shark populations.
“Sharks are incredible. They project a majesty and presence that can be life-changing,” he says. “I believe that if people see the beauty in something, they will be less-inclined to destroy it. That’s why I’ve created a number of unique shark images. I’m working with a variety of organizations who have asked to use the images on products they sell to raise money, educate and create postive awareness.”
Rogest points out that he has worked with a number of organizations including REEF, Project AWARE, the Shark Research Institute, Reef Check and most recently, the Micronesia Shark Institute.
To view Rogest’s work, go to Rogest Studios
For a list of organizations that Rogest is working with, go to Rogest Partners