Advanced Nitrox Materials from TDI a Huge Hit

Advanced Nitrox BookWhen you’ve been in the technical dive business as long as TDI™ has, you think you’ve seen everything, but the feedback the agency has been receiving since the launch of its new Advanced Nitrox materials has taken even the most seasoned staff members by surprise.

“I think when we launched the new Advanced Nitrox materials in the spring, it was a low-key affair because there were several other products released around the same time,” Steve Lewis admitted. “But during the past few months, we’ve been getting a steady stream of emails and phone calls from our instructors complimenting us on the quality of the book’s content and design. But the real story is the number of students who have made the effort to tell us how much they’ve enjoyed their course and how easy the book made the learning process for them.”

Lewis, Director Marketing and Corporate Communications for TDI™, said that his collection of positive emails and phone calls is growing daily.

“We produce this textbook in large numbers to begin with – I think we’re already getting into the third print run – because our Advanced Nitrox course is one of the foundation classes for our whole technical program. And it has been a strong program for TDI™ since we started operations in ’94; however, my guess is the number of calls and emails about the new manual and instructor guide outstrips feedback on any other program about two to one… and it’s all positive!”

Lewis said the TDI Advanced Nitrox Student Manual is at the core of the new materials and was completely rewritten and redesigned featuring new photographs and illustrations throughout. He said the contents was reviewed and radically updated for the 2009 copyright version.

“Of course the basic facts are unchanged and TDI™ Advanced Nitrox still covers the full spectrum of mixes up to and including pure oxygen. But the presentation of those facts and of topics such as dive planning, gas management and foundation skills has been changed to reflect the fact that the type of diver entering the technical side of diving today is very different to the person who signed up for a TDI™ class back in the mid-nineties.”

The TDI Advanced Nitrox Student Manual is part of a full library of educational materials from the leading technical dive training agency, Technical Diving International™. For more details about this growing organization, visit the website at To find the nearest Technical Diving International facility, click on this link: TDI International Directory


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