(DiverWire) HOLLIS scuba diving equipment has announced a nationwide series of Explorer Rebreather educational programs for professional and recreational rebreather divers. Working together with three nationally recognized scuba training agencies (IANTD, PADI and TDI), HOLLIS seeks to broaden the experience and knowledge level of interested divers on both the professional and recreational level.
According to David Burroughs of HOLLIS, “This is an important step in the growth of rebreathers across the United States. We are helping to provide a simple way for interested divers to increase their knowledge and gain additional credentials through CCR certifications offered by the leading training agencies.”
Burroughs points out that the series of more than 20 training programs are scheduled throughout the United States from now through November. Locations include such diverse places as South Florida, Grand Cayman, Southern California, New Mexico, Illinois and Alabama.
This is the first time that a major manufacturer has worked simultaneously with three different training organizations to promote closed circuit rebreather training and certification. Each training organization requires its own pre-requisites and signup process. For more information, visit these links:
With more than 350 Explorer Closed Circuit Rebreather units currently ordered and in development, HOLLIS anticipates strong continued interest in the product line. For more information about HOLLIS, visit the website.