Scubapro DEMO Week on board MV Galapagos Sky live-aboard vessel announced

(DiverWire) SCUBAPRO Americas and DivEncounters, Inc. will present the second annual SCUBAPRO Demo Week on board the live-aboard dive vessel M/V Galapagos Sky. This unique opportunity will be May 13-20, 2012

M/V Galapagos Sky is a 110 ft luxury live-aboard dive vessel which provides week-long and 10 – day eco-friendly excursions in the incomparable Galapagos Islands.  The Galapagos Sky experience is second to none because of the pristine natural beauty of the Galapagos Islands, the experienced, friendly and knowledgeable staff, the luxurious, environmentally-responsible accommodations and dining and the premium equipment available for diving.

According to an official of MV/Galapagos Sky, “Having been able to test dive products from our friends at Scubapro is a true pleasure. It’s like opening a wonderful Christmas present under the tree. I look forward to experiencing the new ‘gifts’ from Scubapro this May during the DEMO Week event.”

SCUBAPRO is the premium equipment of choice aboard the M/V Galapagos Sky, and DivEncounters, Inc. President Peter A Hughes, is well-known to be a long time fan of the brand. For the second year, this partnership will be hosting a demo week which will include a week of incredible diving experiences, during manta season with added opportunities to win exciting SCUBAPRO prizes, talk with a SCUBAPRO gear expert, and try NEW exclusive SCUBAPRO gear, including: Meridian Computers, Seawing Nova Gorilla Fins, MK25/A700 and MK11/C300 Regulator Systems, GO Travel BCs and more.

For more information, or to reserve your spot for this incredible Galapagos Sky & SCUBAPRO experience, please contact DivEncounters at or call 877-323-3483.

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