Alert Diver magazine looking for stories from Scuba Divers

The publishers of Alert Diver magazine, DAN’s internal publication for divers, are looking for YOUR stories.

One of the key elements of the magazine’s redesign last fall was the development of several columns that allow divers to submit and share their stories and advice with other divers.  Each of these columns has proven to be popular, and the publishers of Alert Diver want to invite all readers of the magazine to share their stories in the coming year.

So tell us, do you have a tale to tell?


  • DAN Was There for Me – This column focuses on real-life emergencies in which DAN played a key role in the outcome.  Has DAN been there for you?  Tell us about it at
  • Scuba 911 – Have you ever had to put your DAN training to good use?  Tell us how you used skills learned in a DAN course to save yourself or someone else – even if you applied them in a non-diving situation.  Write to
  • Member to Member – This is a chance for divers to speak directly to other divers about matters important to them.  The column shares everything from consumer tips, travel strategies, dive techniques, fitness matters, personal experiences and lessons learned.  If you have something to say to divers, tell us about it at

Of course, thoughts, suggestions, feedback and story ideas are welcome for any column or feature of the magazine.  But these columns were designed specifically for divers to share their stories, and we want to hear every one of them.

So don’t be shy – tell Alert Diver your story!

To check out past columns, read them on

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