DAN program seeks scuba divers qualified to be Diving Emergency Specialists

(DiverWire) Divers Alert Network is currently promoting the popular Diving Emergency Specialist (DES) program through the third annual DES Quest event. According to officials from DAN, “The completion of DAN® Education’s popular DES program is a point of pride for those who achieve it and rightfully so. The special recognition program easily identifies divers dedicated to diver safety, both their own as well as the safety of others.”

DES Quest, DAN’s annual celebration of continuing education is officially under way and will run through Dec. 31, 2011.

Those participating in this year’s quest have a choice; divers can complete the training using either the standards of DAN’s existing training programs or the newly revised programs debuting later this year.

The DES requirements have been streamlined and offer three paths to recognition. The three options are:

Certification as a Rescue Diver (or higher) and certification in DAN Diving Emergency Management Provider (DEMP)

Certification as a Rescue Diver  and certification in DAN Diving First Aid for Professional Divers

Certification as a Rescue Diver and certification in the DAN Basic Life Support and First Aid (BLSFA) plus:

  • DAN Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries
  • DAN First Aid for Hazardous Marine Life Injuries
  • DAN On-Site Neurological Assessment for Divers

Any diver who applies for the DES rating between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2011 will also receive a DES Quest T-shirt and hat along with the regular certificate of completion and recognition card.

For more information on DAN Education training programs, upcoming changes to DAN Education programs or to submit your application to become a DES diver, contact DAN Education at (919) 684-2948 or oxygen@diversalertnetwork.org.

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