Be one of the first to discover easy-to-follow
FitDiver™ training zones specifically for divers!
Be a FitDiver™! Let diving be your motivation to embrace a healthy lifestyle. Attend the Dive Into Fitness seminar at Scuba Show 2009 in Long Beach. This upbeat seminar, presented Saturday May 30, 2009 at noon, relates fitness to real life diving scenarios, provides sample workouts and extended Q & A to help you discover what fitness program is right for you.
Exercise guidelines are presented with an emphasis on individual goals and interests. The message is appropriate for all ages and experience from new fitness enthusiasts to athletes, those with orthopedic challenges and includes specifics for men and women. Divers of all levels will learn training applications and fitness tips to reduce risk and improve diving performance.
Gretchen M. Ashton, CFT, NBFE is registered with the National Board of Fitness Examiners. An advanced diver, personal trainer and fitness therapist, she specializes in lifestyle fitness and overcoming orthopedic challenges. Gretchen developed comprehensive peak-performance strength programs for local eco-adventure teams, fire fighters and athletes. As a public speaker and columnist, she has been featured on radio, local television news and in newspapers. As an athlete, she became the second woman in AAU Power Lifting history to receive Hall of Fame recognition setting 21 American and World Records. Gretchen was recently published in Alert Diver magazine and is the owner of ScubaFit™.