Get in Shape for Diving!

ScubaFit Launches FitDiver Membership with Online Fitness Coach!

scubafit offers affordable online one-on-one fitness coaching dedicated exclusively to divers. The ScubaFit FitDiver program includes training tools and workouts for Aerobic Exercise, Weight Loss – Nutrition and Resistance TrainingScubaFit recommendations are based on dive-industry data and the latest information on fitness and health.

Register online at, receive a password and start your FitDiver workout immediately.  All information is available online and/or for download and printing.  Gretchen M. Ashton, CFT, NBFE, advanced diver, fitness professional and founder of ScubaFit, is available to answer questions, coach and motivate.  She can be reached directly at

FitDiver Membership includes: FitDiver Training via e-mail, telephone, live chats and workshops; FitDiver Workouts designed specifically for divers;  the FitDiver LogBook of forms for self-assessment and tracking progress; ScubaFit Guidelines providing step-by-step directions for divers on how to get started; FitDiver Challenges teaching divers how to perform and master new exercises; and an online ScubaFit Newsletter with monthly updates and exercise tips to keep divers motivated toward dive fitness goals.

Gretchen was recently published in the March/April issue of Alert Diver and will be presenting “Dive Into Fitness” at Scuba Show 2009.

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