Recognized as one of the best inworld locations and resident creations in Second Life, PADI Dive World increases customer traffic to PADI Members.
RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA, CA – 23 February 2009 – The PADI organization was recently in the virtual company of top ranking universities like Harvard, Princeton and Stanford as PADI Dive World continues to promote scuba and the aquatic realm within the virtual world of Linden Lab’s Second Life. PADI Dive World, along with the aforementioned universities, has been selected as a top build and is currently featured in the Education & Nonprofit section of the Second Life Showcase. Linden Labs recognized Dive World as a community space and virtual resource for aquatic conservation, risk management and education. Since receiving the honor, PADI Dive World traffic has more than doubled.
PADI Dive World offers unique diving experiences ranging from submarine tours to underwater reef, wreck and cave exploration — all while fully suited in virtual scuba gear. Of particular significance is the Project AWARE build in Dive World, which focuses on various environmental campaigns: Protect the Living Reef, Protect the Sharks, Respect our Wrecks and more. Visitors can even participate in a virtual Project AWARE Beach Cleanup game.
PADI is also using Dive World as a risk management tool to educate dive professionals. Emulating real life training situations that could otherwise place divers in hazardous conditions, Dive World enables PADI to safely simulate risk management scenarios, such as running out of air or making an uncontrolled ascent,
Of course, Dive World’s goal is to encourage divers and nondivers to take the real plunge at PADI Dive Centers and Resorts. Increased Dive World traffic drives more traffic to PADI Members with links to and PADI eLearning® strategically positioned throughout the site. In the near future, a limited number of PADI Dive Centers will have the opportunity to rent their own virtual dive store on Dive World, giving them a presence in Second Life they can use to market their real world services. Look for more information about this soon.
You can find PADI Dive World by visiting the Scuba Community at and clicking on the direct portal link. For more information on PADI in Second Life, email John McFadden, Supervisor, Product Development, Diving Science and Technology (DSAT) or call 800 729 7234 (US and Canada), +1 949 858 7234, ext. 2353 today.
Others promise … PADI delivers.