PADI’s Scuba Tune-up Program Now Available Online

Today’s demanding lifestyle can make it challenging for some divers to remain active in the sport. Those same demands can also prevent divers from refreshing their dive knowledge when they are ready to start diving again. PADI has launched its latest eLearning program – Scuba Tune-up Online. This new program is designed to help ease the barrier between divers and their local dive centers.

According to a PADI official, the program is divided into eight interactive sections. PADI Scuba Tune-up Online allows participants to review dive basics that include safe dive practices, dive planning fundamentals, problem management, the effects of breathing air at depth, dive computer and dive tables use, planning dives with the RDP, diving with enriched air (nitrox), and diving skills review.



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As with all PADI eLearning offerings, participants affiliate with a PADI Dive Center or Resort during the enrollment process and the affiliated business automatically receives a portion of the eLearning course revenue. The program also uses interactive videos to review basic dive skills while urging participants to visit a dive center or resort for in-water practice and to learn about the latest updates in dive equipment.

For more details, visit your local PADI Dive Center or Resort.

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