Public Safety Scuba Diver Challenge Announced

Rescue Scuba Divers gather for a competitionThe International Association of Dive Rescue Specialists is presenting a “first-ever” event that is creating a lot of excitement in the dive industry and the public safety diving community – the International Public Safety Diver Challenge.

Public Safety Divers from around the country will be competing in regional competitions in an effort to qualify for the final competition that is scheduled in conjunction with the International Public Safety Diving Conference. The regional competitions will be held in eleven states with the final competition in Charlotte, NC on September 20-23, 2010.

Eight sponsors including Diving Unlimited International, Marine Sonic, Dive Rescue International, Edge Tech, Video Ray, Trelleborg Viking, Kongsberg Mesotech and Sub Salve will contribute to prizes that include $1,000 cash and $500 travel stipends to final competition. At the finals, divers will compete to win drysuits, full face masks, dive team training, cash prizes, gift certificates and other gear.

The four timed events at the regional competitions will include an equipment assembly and don, a surface “rescue swim,” and underwater arc based search pattern and a compass course. The benefit of these regional events would be lost though if the focus is strictly on the competition. What is most valuable is the opportunity for public safety divers to network, and share information and ideas that will improve the effectiveness and safety of the public safety dive teams.

Additionally, at many of the events, divers will be able to attend a “Risk Management for Public Safety Professionals” program sponsored by DUI and an Interspiro Mask Repair Technician class taught by Dive Rescue International.

For additional information on the competition, visit and click on COMPETITION.

For sponsorship information visit:

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