SDI Instructor to log his 15,000th scuba dive

In early June, long-time dive-industry professional Fred Riger expects to complete his 15,000th logged dive! By any standard, that equals a lot of experience and a whole bunch of interesting stories.

The dive industry is proud to help Fred celebrate this historic event, and is extending an invitation to join him in the water on June 10th in the Bahamas. Who knows, you may pick up a pointer or two!


If you are interested in joining in on this little piece of scuba diving history, contact Fred and Melinda Riger at their shop in Freeport Grand BahamaGrand Bahama Scuba.

Fred Riger is an SDI/TDI instructor trainer, having taught SDI programs right from the launch of SDI.  Grand Bahama Scuba was one of the very first scuba training centers in the world to offer International Training programs exclusively and continues that practice to this day.

Over the years, Fred has helped turn on literally thousands of people to the adventure and challenge of diving. He is one of SDI’s most popular figures, known for his patience, quiet expertise and love of the sport

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