Women Divers Hall of Fame adds six new members for 2014

(DiverWire) The non-profit Women Divers Hall of Fame™ (WDHOF) has announced its Class of 2014 with the election of six new members.
WDHOF Sig 14Members of the WDHOF have expertise in the diving world that includes the following disciplines: The Arts, Science, Medicine, Exploration & Technology, Marine Archeology, Business, Media, Training & Education, Safety, Commercial & Military Diving, Free Diving, and Underwater Sports. 
The Hall is proud to announce the selection of six new Members who will constitute the Class of 2014:
• Barbara Allen: Pioneer, Instructor, Ocean Advocate
• Kristine Barsky: Marine Biologist, Environmentalist, Author, Videographer
• Emma L. Hickerson: Marine Researcher, Science Interpreter, Photographer, Conservationist, Unit Diving Supervisor
• Jayne Jenkins: Photographer, Educational Non-Profit Leader, Conservationist, Safety Diver
• Deidre Sullivan: Marine Geologist, Educator, Submersible Diver
• Tamara Thomsen: Maritime Archaeologist, Shipwreck Conservationist, Instructor
These extraordinary women will be officially inducted into WDHOF on March 29, 2014 at the Beneath the Sea (BTS) Awards Banquet in Secaucus, New Jersey (www.BeneathTheSea.org). 

WDHOF, a 501(c)(3) corporation, was founded in 2000. WDHOF’s mission is to recognize the contributions of outstanding women divers and to offer financial assistance and mentorship to women and men interested in pursuing diving careers. As such, WDHOF offers 13 scholarships and training grants a year. For more information about or to contribute to the WDHOF scholarship program, log on to www.wdhof.org/scholarships

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