Explore Remote Corners of the Sea of Cortez aboard New Live-Aboard Vessel
Dive in Luxury expoloring the Sea of Cortez with Ned and Anna Deloach
The Academy of Scuba has announced it has reserved the week of July 11-18th, 2009 for its clients aboard the luxury dive liveaboard – the Rocio del Mar. The Academy of Scuba and its guests will be venturing off to the Midriff Islands and other remote Sea of Cortez Dive Destinations seldom seen by divers.
The Rocio del Mar is based out of Puerto Penasco Mexico, also known to divers and beachgoers in the Southwestern U.S., as Rocky Point. The Rocio del Mar is 110 feet of all steel construction, powered by twin turbo diesels, housing ten guest staterooms, equipped with the latest marine electronics to get you to the best dive sites quickly and safely. Sites are being ‘hand-selected’ by the Academy of Scuba Staff and expert dive guides on the Rocio del Mar to ensure our clients experience the broadest diversity of sea life the Sea of Cortez has to offer.
The Academy of Scuba will be welcoming, as its resident experts and special guests, Ned and Anna Deloach. Ned and Anna are seasoned marine life experts. During the trip, they will be leading our guests on dives, conducting video and photo clinics, and facilitating workshops on marine life behavior and identification. The Deloachs are coming to the Sea of Cortez and you have the chance to learn with the very best in the field of fish identification and marine life behavior. Ned Deloach is a published author, editor, and a photographer. Some of the published credits of Ned Deloach include Coastal Fish Identification California to Alaska 2nd Ed., Reef Fish Identification: Baja to Panama, Reef Fish Identification – Tropical Pacific, and Reef Fish Identification: Florida, Caribbean, Bahamas.
Diving with Deloach’s will be the memory of a lifetime. These seasoned veterans will help you understand the underwater realm like you never imagined, commented John Flanders, president of the Academy of Scuba. We are truly honored to have such distinguished marine life experts leading the way on this incredible adventure.
For more information and to book you reservation on the July 11, 2009 Sea of Cortez 7 Day Dive Adventure, please visit http://www.academyofscuba.com. For more information on the Rocio del Mar, please visit http://www.rociodelmarliveaboard.com.
Space is limited to 16 passengers. Travel Insurance is highly recommended.
About The Academy of Scuba™
The Academy of Scuba is an SDI/TDI Dive Training Facility, a DAN Training Center/Business Member and a SeaSigns Instructor Development Center. The Academy of Scuba is an industry innovator for developing, implementing and reinforcing advanced level Scuba diver training programs. The Academy of Scuba focuses on training with an emphasis to create “great divers”. The sole purpose of the Academy of Scuba is to not just put people in the water, but to keep people in the water. The Academy of Scuba assists divers in increasing enjoyment, adventure and safety through better education and more frequent dive experience.
Academy of Scuba
Contact Scott D. Jones at scott@divenewswire.com