DIVE REPORT: No signs of BP Oil in the Florida Keys

Josie Koler provides this update from the Florida Keys as part of the weekly Dive Report by Diver’s Direct.

The Florida Keys is home to the second largest living coral system in the world and the environmental disaster off the Louisiana coast is a threat to our fragile eco-system. Here in the Keys, our job is to keep rumors and speculation from getting out of hand, so instead of filing another report through released statements, the Weekly Newspapers are investigating the situation through the bubbles of our regulator.

“We’re going to swim around first, so you can get used to your mask and snorkel.”

Leading this excursion off the Middle Keys is the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office Colonel Rick Ramsay. The Sheriff’s Office No. 2 earned his PADI certification at the age of 14 and has over a decade of service with the MCSO’s dive team.

We plunge down into the aquamarine waters, where a trace of oil isn’t anywhere to be seen. We do see Nassau Grouper, Yellowtail Snapper, and Angel Fish.

“It’s beautiful out. The water is flat, calm, clear. Our water has warmed up and we have perfect conditions out there for snorkeling and SCUBA diving,” says Mariana Anacona assistant manager of Hall’s Dive Center in Marathon. “We’re not being affected by this oil situation. People are calling and asking, but business is steady. We’re moving and customers are coming back happy about the conditions and the experience.”

Monroe County Commissioner and Key Colony Beach resident and certified diver for over 40 years, Mario DiGennaro reiterates what Ancona is telling us.

“We have no problems,” DiGennaro said. “Our beaches are clean, our water is clean, and we’re not in any jeopardy at this time. There aren’t any tarballs from the Deepwater Horizon disaster, and we’re monitoring it extremely closely. In the end, we may escape the devastating effects entirely.

The complete story is available at the Keys Weekly site. Josie Koler is a regular DiverWire.com contributing writer.

To read more, check out this story: GOING DEEPER with TV Reporter/Journalist Josie Koler.

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