(DiverWire) The Grenada Underwater Sculpture Management Group (GUSMI) is pleased to report that the World’s First underwater sculpture park, located 2 miles north of St Georges at Moliniere Bay, is now home to two new statues.
The first piece, a replica of The Christ of the Deep, was commissioned by the Grenada Board of Tourism to commemorate not only the 50th Anniversary of the sinking of the Bianca C but also the hospitality, selflessness and ‘Spice Isle’ spirit shown by the Grenadian people in the rescue of over 600 passengers and crew of the Bianca C.
“It is a fantastic addition to the park,” said Howard Clarke, Chairman of GUSMI, “and we are extremely grateful to the Grenada Board of Tourism for their enthusiastic support and endorsement of the regeneration project. As the statue looks up to the surface of the water with arms outstretched it is a wonderful new piece of living art for both our diving and snorkelling visitors.”
The second sculpture, Sienna, is based on a character from the short story ‘A Different Ocean’ written by local author Jacob Ross. Sienna, a young girl gifted in free diving, follows friendship and betrayal as her talent is exploited in the search for lost treasure. She was sponsored by local Powerboat Tour Company Grenada Seafaris who run eco-tours and snorkeling trips to the park. This was one of the original pieces which were unfortunately damaged by corrosion and sea conditions. Grenada Seafaris owner, Howard Clarke said, “It is a culturally important piece which we are very pleased to be able to sponsor. The new statue is designed to be much robust than the previous one and should last considerably longer.”
The latest additions to the park are part of a regeneration plan initiated by GUSMI and funded by both the private and public sectors, which is designed to regenerate and continue the development of the Underwater Sculpture Park. Both statues were created by talented local artist Troy Lewis under the guidance and instruction of the Management Group.
The statues were first placed in the water by a crane and were then floated out to the site using heavy duty lifting bags. The operation to float the statues was managed by Underwater Solutions Ltd, a Camper Nicholson Port Louis-based company who specialize in underwater work. Grenada Seafaris Ltd and Eco Dive & Trek provided staff and support boats ably assisted by the Royal Grenada Coast Guard who offered their support by providing a patrol vessel to tow one the statues out to the site.
Grenada Underwater Sculpture Park Management Group Chairman, Howard Clarke noted, “The Underwater Park has become a large and important part of our tourism product. It is the world’s first such attraction and it is important that we maintain and continue to improve the park. The tourism sector has seen the benefits of having this attraction both in terms of the number of cruise liner visitors and hotel guests. The site continues to generate international coverage and is one of the attractions regularly requested by visiting press. To have a unique attraction is immensely important and visitors and residents alike enjoy the underwater art”.
As the regeneration plan continues more sponsors are being approached for the largest piece in the project which is the replacement of the iconic circle of children which consists of 26 children holding hands. Fund raising for this piece is on-going and it is hoped that the project will be completed during 2012.
Interested parties who wish to find out more about the project or sponsorship opportunities should contact Howard Clarke in the first instance on 405-7800 or by email at howardclarke900@hotmail.com