World Champion Swimmer Enjoys Buddy Dive Bonaire

During the second week of December Buddy Dive Resort was proud to accommodate and facilitate the 2009 World Champion Swimmer and four-time winner of the Marathon Swimming World Cup, Angela Maurer (Wiesbaden at Germany). Angela was happy to train together with her companion Jennifer Boettcher in front of Buddy Dive in the beautiful waters at Bonaire.

Angela, who started swimming in the summer of 1983, swam all over the world, from New York to Dubai. Nevertheless, both Angela and Jennifer stated that they never enjoyed such good conditions as at Bonaire for an open-water race. “The water is very calm and the temperature is lovely!”

At the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing Angela achieved the 4th place in the 10 km marathon swim, only a fraction of a second behind the bronze medalist Cassie Patten. In 2009 she won the 10 km open-water race at the German national swimming championships in Lindau with a time of 2h01m31.43s ensuring her place at the 2009 World Aquatics Championships in Rome where she eventually won the gold medal for the 25 km open-water race!

Together with Bon Bida Spa and Gym (just down the street from Buddy Dive) Buddy Dive provided all the facilities the swimmers needed: “The rooms are convenient, the restaurants provide quality food and flexible service, the activity desk provides mountain bikes and kayaks for training, and most important the water starts right in front of the rooms!”

Buddy Dive proved again to be a perfect accommodation for hosting athletes during certain sport events. Last August the resort was the main sponsor and facilitator of the Buddy Dive Freediving Event Bonaire 2009 with Karol Meyer (Brazilian Freediver) breaking several South American records.

Buddy Dive Freediving Event Bonaire 2010 is already a fact, Angela and Jennifer were at Buddy Dive to have a look at the training and competition conditions on the island because they’d like to support another event at Buddy Dive on Bonaire in 2011: a World Cup Swimming Final!


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